Sunday, August 17, 2008

People who wear jerseys

For stylistic reasons, I don't walk around wearing sports jerseys. I think it's lame, but whatever. It's just a weird looking shirt for all intents and purposes. I do, however, have a problem with people wearing FULL SPORTS UNIFORMS out in public. I don't mean after playing a game or something...I mean as an actual outfit. Typically only done with basketball clothing (imagine how awkward(er) it would be to walk around in a hockey uniform?), isn't this the sort of thing that should stop around junior high? In fact, aren't "tank tops as shirts" gross in general? "Yes" and "barf" are the correct answers here. This is the sort of thing frequently found in WorstPlaceEverville or PossiblyEvenWorse Island. What do these people wear to weddings? Jumpsuits?

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