Saturday, August 9, 2008

Frat Boys

If I were to pick "The Five Worst Sub Groups of Humanity", frat boys would probably be number 3 (right below guidos and nazis, in that order). Maybe if I thought about it some more they wouldn't be so high up (especially since the SI - LI guido pretty much covers this mentality), but I just encountered a bunch of frat boys. I swear this is true: they were wandering around saying things like "Oh man, if we inflate it and pop it...SO nice brah" (what could that possibly mean?), and at a later point they were in a huddle, planning (?) or something (??). In their defense, they looked like they were still of college age. Frat boys are so much worse when they start pushing thirty.

EDIT: This was, of course, mostly directed at Staten Island AGAIN. I really should start going easy on them...they've got enough problems to worry about. (OH SNAP)

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