Thursday, June 18, 2009

Old Stuff #1

Just transferring a bunch of stuff from one of my secret blogs. Anything in parentheses are my current thoughts:

"New Slang?" (3/18/08) - Overheard at a local fine dining establishment during lunch: "Yo man, it's pretty church in here". Not sure what it meant, but it sounded derogatory. (I later found out it was something good, and I'm pretty sure the "fine dining establishment" was Wendy's)

"Jeopardy! Life Stories" (3/19/08) - I've seen two episodes of Jeopardy! this week, for the first time in years, and it reminded me that more often than not the anecdotes used to introduce the contestants are impossibly insane. I mean, I can't even make a joke here that would do this phenomenon any justice. Also, how do you decide what to start with? I imagine you have to give out a bunch of stories in case you become a five-time champion or whatever. Do you start out insane and taper off? Do you go out with a bang? This is important to know, since Jeopardy! is currently my retirement plan. Do I even have stories that are suitably nutty enough? I'm much more concerned with this than having actual knowledge. (Not sure I know why I felt this was worth saving...)

More to come...

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